Did you see Jimi Hendrix in concert? Did you meet Jimi Hendrix or have the opportunity to interview him or have some other unique, first-person encounter with Jimi Hendrix? If so, Experience Hendrix wants to hear from you.
Jimi Hendrix
Did you see Jimi Hendrix in concert? Did you meet Jimi Hendrix or have the opportunity to interview him or have some other unique, first-person encounter with Jimi Hendrix? If so, Experience Hendrix wants to hear from you.
Jimi Hendrix attends a party at the Apple offices on Saville Row, where he is interviewed for the London Herald. The party is held to celebrate Apple’s signing of The Grapefruit. Members of the Beatles, Brian Jones and Kathy Etchingham also attend.
Beatles Brian Jones Jimi Hendrix Kathy Etchingham London Herald Personal Saville Row
The Experience returns to Olympic Studios to record “All Along The Watchtower,” which features Dave Mason on 12-string acoustic guitar and Brian Jones on percussion. The session started with Jones contributing on piano, but these recordings were not released.
All Along The Watchtower Brian Jones Dave Mason Olympic Studios Recording the experience