Did you see Jimi Hendrix in concert? Did you meet Jimi Hendrix or have the opportunity to interview him or have some other unique, first-person encounter with Jimi Hendrix? If so, Experience Hendrix wants to hear from you.
Jimi Hendrix
Did you see Jimi Hendrix in concert? Did you meet Jimi Hendrix or have the opportunity to interview him or have some other unique, first-person encounter with Jimi Hendrix? If so, Experience Hendrix wants to hear from you.
At the preliminary hearing, Judge Robert Taylor ordered Hendrix to return to the Toronto Court House on December 8 for a full trial. Afterwards, Richie Yorke interviewed Hendrix for the Toronto Globe & Mail and the July 9 issue of the Los Angeles Times. Later that evening, Jimi returned to Los Angeles.