May 15 2020
Experience Hendrix expresses our deepest condolences and heartfelt sorrow at the passing of Jorge Santana, beloved guitar great. We join his brother Carlos, the Santana family, and the world, in mourning this tremendous loss, by celebrating the life of Jorge, known to many who saw him in different lights; a father, a grandfather, a powerful musician, a gentle giant, and a legend in his own right.
He was generous with his wit and wisdom, bringing light and laughter to whatever arena graced by his presence. A kind man, Jorge unselfishly shared the best of himself.
In an industry sometimes known to be proprietary and impenetrable, Jorge Santana was a true friend to the Experience Hendrix family. He embraced us and shared his insights and wisdom many times, helping us navigate the murky waters of the music business. Jorge lived out the title of one of his most popular albums, “It’s All About Love.” We were blessed to have been on the receiving end of that love!
You will not be forgotten, Guillermo Jorge Santana. We pay tribute to you with these words, “El viento susurra Jorge.” Rest like you lived, beautifully.