
Straight Ahead

Hello, my friend
So happy to see you again
I was so alone
All by my self
I just couldn’t make it

Have you heard, baby
What the winds blowing round
Have you heard, baby
A whole lot of peoples coming right on down

Communication, yeah
Is coming on strong
And don’t give a damn, baby
If your hair is short or long, huh

I said, get out of your grave
Everybody is dancing in the street
Do what you know, don’t be slow
You gotta practice what you preach
‘Cause it’s time for you and me
Come to face reality (it sounds like he says “fake reality”)

Forget about the past, baby
Things ain’t what they used to be
Keep on Straight Ahead
Keep on straight Ahead

Straight Ahead, baby
Straight Ahead, baby

We got to stand side by side
We got to stand together and organize
They say power to the people,
That’s what they’re screamin’
Freedom of the soul
Pass it on, pass it on to the young and old

You got to tell the children the truth
They don’t need a whole lot of lies
Because one of these days, baby
They’ll be running things
So when you give them love
You better give it right
Woman and child and man and wife
The best love to have is the Love Of Life

Pushing on Straight Ahead
Straigh Ahead, baby

Hello my friend
It’s so good to see you again
And I’ve been all by my self
I don’t think I can make it alone
I gotta keep on pushing ahead


My Friend

Hey, look out for my glass up there, man!
That’s my drink, man, that’s my drink, alright…
Make it a double, or eh…
Somebody has to sing
Some body will sing?
Somebody will sing, right?
(I don’t know!)

Y’all pass me that bottle,
And I’ll sing you all a real song


The Wind Cries Mary

After all the jacks are in their boxes
and the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
footsteps dressed in red
And the wind whispers Mary
A broom is drearily sweeping
up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
Somewhere a king has no wife
And the wind, it cries Mary
The traffic lights, they turn, uh, blue tomorrow
and shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sags down stream
’cause the life that lived is,
is dead
And the wind screams Mary
Uh-will the wind ever remember
the names it has blow in the past?
